Wednesday, February 25, 2009

spring is springing!

I've been on a new kick lately in that I walk the doggies right when I get home from work, as opposed to waiting until after dinner when it's dark outside. I first started doing this because it occurred to me that in their doggie minds, it's probably far more fun to see/sniff/pee on things in the light of day. But our new routine has been a good change of pace for me too. For one thing, the streets of Stevens Park Village in the six o'clock hour is where it's at. Any dog parent who's any dog parent is outside, so it's a great way to catch up on all the neighborhood gossip. And that's some good stuff, y'all. SPV comes correct with the drama.

But more importantly, it allows me to stop and smell the roses a bit. My perception of what's going on with the general landscape of our neighborhood (and every where else, too) is especially heightened with my shiny new career, so I have really picked up on the first blush of spring this year. My favorite early spring stunners include the deciduous magnolia, flowering quince, and of course classic daffodils and tulips.

deciduous magnolia

flowering quince

There was a moment last week when the warm sun was beaming it's last few rays of the day on my cheeks, and as I inhaled the sweet, warm air, a huge smile spread across my face just thinking of the impending springtime.

And then a few hours later a cold front blew in and dropped the temps back down into the 30s. Dangit. Such is weather in Texas, I suppose.

Then last night, as Zac and I were letting the doggies out into the back yard "one last times," we heard one of my very favorite sounds...the cicadas were singing their little songs for the first time this year! Instantly I was harkened back to dreamy thoughts of summer and of swimming in the pool at the Squaw Creek house until way past my bedtime, softball games in the warm nighttime air, picking cherry tomatoes right off the vine and popping 'em right into my mouth, going to the nurseries on Saturday morning with mom and dad and cook-outs by the pool.

Awww, sweet summertime. I'm so glad it's almost here. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's one of my favorite sounds, too! I just love spring. It's peeking, isn't it?